Webers WordPress Webdesign
A Playground for WordPress Layout
Webers Webdesign creates your individual website according to your specifications. We convert your corporate design into a technically clean website. The easily feasible should never be the limit when it comes to visualising your ideas.
Your website needs to be easily accessible and easy to find (SEO). It should arouse curiosity and provide easy navigation for the visitor. We are happy to host your website and take care of maintenance tasks such as backups and updates.
Our main task is to create responsive websites that adapt to the screen width of different media devices (monitors, tablets and smartphones) and make your visitors want to know more.
SSL Zertifikate
We offer you the conversion of your site to TLS including the certificate.
There are good reasons to move your site to TLS (formerly SSL).
First and foremost, it gives you more security and your customers more trust.
Legally, if you have a contact form on your site, for example, you should quickly consider moving to an https site.
Search engines take this into account when ranking your site.