4 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y
- 4
- 4inarow
- 4on1 flexbox model 8
- 8col-flex A
- a default list
- Accordion®
- afgadfg
- anders
- apple blur B
- Background fixed
- bemodesign
- BG Scheduling
- BG-Video
- Bildvergleich
- blog
- Blog-Seite
- blogposts
- blue bar above image
- breadcrump under first color-section
- button class to anchor tag
- Button over clickable column
- Buttons® C
- carousel
- category page
- church-news
- Clippy
- Clippy 2
- Code for Audioplayer
- colorize Grids
- column spacing
- Columns
- conditional mail
- construction architecture
- contact
- Content Slider
- contentslider
- Countdown
- covid-beyond
- Cubic
- custom layout test
- custom Link to lightbox D
- Dagmar
- datenschutz2
- Datenschutzerklärung
- Debussy
- details
- divider on sliders
- Donkey
- doublebutton
- DSGVO deutsch E
- Easy Slider
- elenapoliti
- equal height F
- Fixed-Slider
- flexed
- Flipbox
- Fullbackground G
- Gallery
- Gallery with 8 images
- Gallery without lightbox
- gatehealing
- German big ß
- Giulia
- glossary-pages
- goodwave
- goodwave2
- google-tag
- google-test
- GoogleMap
- Grid Layout Modul
- Grid Rows
- grid-cell slider bg
- grid-row
- grid-row again
- grid-row with slide-show
- grid-row-alb
- Grid-Row-Layout
- grid-sorting
- gridflip
- Griditems
- Gridlayout for mega div
- Gridrow Layout with fixed BG H
- h-tag
- Hallo container queries
- Hammer-SEO
- Header im Off
- header shrink
- Heading with fluid font-size
- Headings in Motion
- Hidden Gallery
- holger1
- home with rightside logo
- horizontal Gallery
- horizontal scrolling
- html5 video
- hyphenator I
- Icon in motion
- Icon List
- iconbox with equal height
- iconboxes
- iconboxes2
- Icongrid with frontimage
- Image Comparison
- Image Title to Hover
- Image-flip
- Images in table cells
- Images with caption
- Images with no link
- images-compare
- Impressum
- infinite-scroll
- Internisten Map
- Jaime
- jak
- jak contact
- jak73
- Jakob
- Jantien K
- kdrbh
- Kelly
- Kontakt L
- Landing
- landscape video
- Layout Mimic
- lhoff
- Lightbox deactivated
- Lightbox Grouping
- lightboxes
- Line Height
- Link from Lightbox
- link to iconbox title
- logo left menu top
- Lottie Files M
- Magazine Style
- mail button
- marcus
- masonry 4on1big
- masonry blog
- masonry gallery with tag support
- masonry no entries
- masonry with captions
- Montserrat Numbers
- more than 5 columns
- multiple background-images
- Mute-Unmute
- Mute-Unmute Video Slide N
- nesting
- nesting columns O
- ordered list
- Overlap to followed section P
- p tag setting
- pagesplit
- Parallax Page
- park13
- pdf on website
- popup gallery
- Portfolio
- portfolio grid
- Portfolio Masonry
- Portfolio Raster
- Portfolio-Grid-Page
- PortfolioStyle
- portrait video
- portrait videos
- postslider
- prism
- ProToM
- Pseudobuttons R
- recaptcha
- Reha-Bad-Hamm
- responsive bg video
- responsive colorsection
- rmatus
- Rob
- rounded background gradient S
- Sabine
- season-scheduling
- section-hover
- Sectionpopup
- sections
- selfhosted Video
- Separator Icons
- shortcode headings
- shreinmedia
- Simple Slider
- Sitemap
- slideer
- Slider above main header
- Slider Buttons
- slider depending on screenwidth
- Slider Navigations
- slider with kenburns
- slider-caption
- Slideshow with Sidebar
- slideshow-test2
- Smartfabrik01
- snowfall3
- snowfall4
- sortable Table
- spanier
- special characters
- sqare image and text
- Start
- steveorrmedia
- steviger
- sticky elements
- Sticky Sidebar
- straight quotation marks in headings
- SVG Divider T
- Tab-section
- tab-section
- tagood
- Terve
- test-temp
- Test37595
- testimonial styling
- text
- TextBox with Smiley
- tiago slider
- Timeline
- Timeline
- TobiasP
- Toggle
- toggler
- Transparent
- Transparenzen
- two bg images U
- Under Construction V
- video
- Video Gallerie
- Videobackground
- videos
- videos on lightbox
- videotests
- Vimeo
- Vimeo Embed
- Visual Artist
- Visual Artist 2 W
- Wartung
- Wertarbeit
- Whole bunch of iconboxes
- with submenu X
- xeovision
- Xeovision
- xeovision3
- xeovision4 Y
- Youtube as Color-section Background
- youtube autoplay
- Youtube Background
- youtube colorized
- Youtube Playlist Embed
- Youtube Videos
- youtube videotestseite
function az_index($post_id) {
$AZposts = get_posts(array(
'numberposts' => -1,
'post_type' => 'page',
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC',
// 'category' => $cat
$current = "";
$nav = "";
$postlist = "";
echo "<div class='my-glossary'>";
foreach($AZposts as $AZpost) {
$postLink = get_permalink( $AZpost->ID );
$firstletter = strtoupper(substr($AZpost->post_title,0,1));
if($firstletter != $current) {
$nav .= "<span class='firstletters'><a href='#$firstletter'> $firstletter </a></span> ";
$postlist .= "<strong class='is_h3 firstletter' id='$firstletter'> $firstletter </strong>\n";
$current = $firstletter;
$postlist .= "<li><a class='postlink' href='".$postLink ."'>" . $AZpost->post_title. "</a></li>\n";
print $nav . "<br><br><ul class='glossary-list'>" . $postlist. "</ul>";
echo "</div>";
add_shortcode( 'glossary', 'az_index' );